Friday, August 2, 2013

Graduation Friday

Our task began as a passing remark: Dress up for a picture as requested by our econs teacher some time during class yesterday. We became restless after hearing that comment. Then after class it snowballed and became a topic of intense discussion and it got serious. The guys were posting several shirts on our class FaceBook page asking for opinions on which to wear, but there's something about guys' shirts that make them all look the same to me (They are essentially just button-down shirts). Anyway, we were going to really, really, really, seriously dress up.

Or so that was the plan. When I walked into class Irfan was in a dress shirt with a bow tie like a waiter/ groom/ secret agent. The rest of the dudes were in their shirts and slacks, and Michelle and Zitian were in pretty dresses. It was like our graduation day. Then naturally there was the occasional combo breaker in shorts and T-shirts which were a real bummer, but I think our next theme days will be a lot better. It was so cute though; I thought we were all really cute, like kindergarden kids in insect costumes comparing outfits and waiting for class to begin.


And then we even took a real graduation picture, like it was the last day of school and we were never going to see each other again although it's only the fourth week of college.


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