Monday, December 9, 2013

Urbanscapes Day 2

Urbanscapes Day 2 

On the second day of Urbanscapes me and Taliza were hanging out in the Pyramid trying to finish 15 nuggets from Wendy's Anniversary Promotion while waiting for Michelle. 

We made it to the right entrance this time. The late afternoon weather was overcast and so much lovelier than yesterday's blazing desert.

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We went for a walk when the sun was setting, at the the time of the day when the sun goes down not quietly but with a roaring orange that streaks the sky and makes everything and everyone look golden.

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There was a stage which was limited to 18+ access only. It was organized by Deer Society and very trippy. Especially when we were on the stage and we could see most of Urbanscapes lighting up in the gradual darkening of the evening and there was an art exhibition going on and people in flower crowns socializing behind the backdrop of orange sky.

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On the second floor of the stage there was this House of Fame thing going on. We had to win a simple game of balance on the iPad before we were allowed into a cool room with a wonderfully trippy green glow (and an exhibition of cigarettes but it's not like we're going to smoke only because the place looked awfully cool).


There was a game at the end of the room where you had to dip your hand into ice water to grab yellow(?) capsules. I was apparently pretty good at the game and was only one ball away from winning two Froyo tickets. Michelle though was one ball short of any Froyo coupon, so I played it again and we both got free Froyos in another room.

To exit the place we could either go down where we came from or take a ride down the biggest inflatable slide I've ever seen into a pool of plastic balls. Of course we chose the latter.


The guys manning the slide seemed to be having fun throwing people down the slide. It was as if they were playing human bowling; as they helped people get ready for the slide and pushed them down, they high-fived each other if their targets hit the ball with a particularly huge force. When Michelle went down they cheered and remarked that "it was the best case they have seen all night" so I got worried about what they had done to Michelle and it turned out that she landed face down but she was okay.


We went to meet Taliza in the tent room where there were free ice pops in abundance and charging stations and even DJs.

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As Franz Ferdinand was about to start we grabbed some chicken rice for dinner and set up camp in a safe distance from the stage.

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And it being the finale of Urbanscapes meant that everyone went absolutely wild. Taliza, Michelle and I were having our own dance party in front of our makeshift poncho-mat making up stupid moves (which regrettably was seen by a friend from school) and we noticed that the crowd gave us a lot of space due to our potentially violent dance moves. It was so amazing in a way I haven't felt since the dance parties in India.


The only thing that irked me out about Urbanscapes was the absurdly expensive food (RM10 for a mineral water and the same price for a chicken rice) and also you-know-who's show got cancelled. But hey the tickets were free and I really couldn't complain.

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